Blog Post

26 February 2021

Tomorrow’s Full Moon falls in the Earth energy of Virgo.  The intentions we set at the New Moon earlier this month come to fruition at this time, and we are also given the practical grounded energy we need to make our dreams a reality.  Full Moons bring the powerful energy of the harvest; the thought or dream we put out there with the New Moon can come into being or be “birthed” at the Full Moon.  With the Sun in Pisces and the Moon in Virgo at this time, a Full Moon is created that can bring about the spark of life that only two opposing forces can create.  The polarities between the signs are often known for identifying the big differences between each sign, but there is also always a shared trait, behaviour, perspective, or gift that both resonate with.  And so, when they are triggered into opposing one another through the movement of the planets, the underlying and potentially transformative energy emerges. 

The trait both Pisces and Virgo share is the need and drive to serve humanity in some way.  Piscean energy likes to serve through its easy-going and friendly nature, whereas Virgo energy likes to serve through its need to heal and manage others.  Both signs understand the primal human need to take care of one another and at this Full Moon, this can become our main focus.  The Virgo energy will give us the practicalities and the structure we need to see our way and our role, and it will illuminate for each of us where we can best serve humanity in our own special way.  So, whether it is a random act of kindness (something I recommend we all do every day), or whether it is a grander gesture like swooping in to take care of something someone around you is struggling with, it is not important.  What is important at this Full Moon is that you listen to your heart, and you allow yourself to see and feel from your heart centre where you can be of service, where you can make a difference and where you can help another soul or situation heal.

The other major thing that is going on in the cosmos at this time is the fact that for the first time since February 2019 there are no planets in retrograde motion, and it will remain this way until April 27, 2021.  As we know, when planets are in retrograde motion our lessons and ways of learning come from the inside – we are asked to go within to find our answers and to make our individual progress through life at that time.  Retrograde times are essential as they allow us to take our foot off the accelerator and move into neutral as we assess, review and comprehend through our personal feelings and perspectives what is right for us and what is not.  And, when the planets are all in direct motion it is the opposite. 

With no planets in retrograde motion until late April the Universe is giving us all the go-ahead – it is time to take action, time to be heard and time for YOU.  For the last year or more the world has been shut down, manipulated and overrun by more fear than we have possibly known since the last World Wars.  For many of us, War and the restrictions and control that go with this are completely foreign to us – most of us have been very fortunate to have not lived through such experiences before but now find ourselves well and truly immersed in this energy.  We have not really known what to do, who to listen too and what direction to take – it has been a thoroughly confusing and debilitating time for us all.  We have felt disempowered, helpless, lost and even hopeless due to what we have been presented to us on a daily basis and due to what we have, to date, been taught to believe.  All the planets in retrograde during these last two years have had their turns in encouraging us to look within to what we all need to heal and empower within ourselves so as we can be the change the world needs to see.  And now the pattern changes.  The dance of the planets through the cosmos is bringing massive support for all that is for the highest good of this planet and this affects us all on a personal level as well as on a collective level. 

With the Full Moon in Virgo, we can illuminate the parts of us that are here to serve humanity in some way – we can see within ourselves what we have to offer that can make a difference in some way, and we can act on this.  With the Sun in Pisces at this time, we can connect with our Higher Self-energy and with the Divine so as to ensure that all that we are doing is for the highest good of all concerned.  And, with all the other planets in direct motion, we have the green light to GO!  From 1 March until 27 April there is a wonderful window of opportunity for change and action involving change that is designed to take us to the next level.  We have been shut down for too long in too many ways, and it is now time to use all that we have learned about ourselves and what we do best and take this out to the world.  Remember we still have a stellium of planets in Aquarius backing up and supporting all that is outside the box, alternative, innovative and forward-thinking.  It is time for YOU to have blind and bold confidence in YOU and all that you feel to be true and to face any fears you may have of shining your light or exposing your true self. 

Expect much to be revealed and ousted during this timeframe and expect to also see the new leaders of the future emerging. This is our time, and we are potently supported by the love and the light of the Universe.

And never forget; you have done nothing wrong – you are just here to learn; you are a spark of the God energy and most importantly you are loved, supported, cherished, and celebrated by Spirit for all that you are, all that you have been and all that you can be.  So, let go of the fear that holds you back and just be it, say it, and do it!  Full Moon Blessings to you all xox