Blog Post 8 February 2020

Tomorrow’s Full Moon in Leo will be a powerful one.  Leo energy is the energy of courage, expressiveness, leadership, creativity, vanity and “it’s all about ME”.  So, when this powerful extroverted energy sits in the emotional body of the Moon what we feel has no choice but to be expressed.  Full Moons occur when the Sun and Moon oppose one another in the skies, so this means that the Full Moon has not only the force of the energy it is sitting in (Leo in this case) but also the energy of the Sun it is opposing (Aquarius in this case).  Aquarian energy is inspired and driven by humanitarian issues, by rebelliousness and by a need to be different and to step outside the boundaries of conformity and tradition, to align yourself with a higher purpose.  So, when these two energies come together in opposition sparks can fly and your Ego Self can and will demand authority and recognition.

At this Full Moon, you may find yourself wanting things very much YOUR way.  Your Ego Self will be on full alert, pushing you to react to anything that you may feel does not bring attention and appreciation your way, and pushing you to stick up for and demand what you feel is rightfully yours.  You will want to be noticed, want to recognised and want to be admired for all that you contribute and you may find yourself with your nose well and truly out of joint if you get stuck in this Ego-driven mentality.  Take time at this Full Moon to remind yourself that the world does not revolve around you and that you do not need to seek validation from others if you know in your heart that what you are doing is the right thing.  Rather than react in that base energy manner to what you are being presented with or experiencing at this time, it is better for you to use the powerful creative energy to find new ways to express what you need, and to be heard. 

This is the year of balance and so time and time again this year we are going to have challenges, people and situations thrown at us to see how well we are able to balance ourselves out internally, no matter what is happening to us externally.  We cannot create peace on earth until we have peace in our own hearts – it’s that simple. 

We all have our gaols and our missions and projects in life that we are working towards and it is our Ego that drives this part of us.  Your Ego is a necessary part of you, BUT it needs to be under your control rather than you under its.  And this is where Full Moons in Leo can really test you to make you aware of who is in charge in your life – your Ego Self or your Higher Self?  You will be shown very clearly at this Full Moon which side of you reacts when challenged by the outside world, and as Leo tends to embrace vanity, pride and self-involvement, it is these parts of yourself that you are being challenged to find a new and different way of dealing with and expressing.  And, it is these parts of you that you are also being asked to use for the highest good.  That personal pride you feel in yourself can be magnified and send out to the world as pride in your actions when you stick up for another person or help someone who cannot help themselves.  And that personal vanity you carry you can also use to help another soul feel beautiful and proud of themselves too.  And your self-involvement can be used by you to bring your greatest gifts and talents to the collective and being the best you can be there.  We are all made up of many different parts and none of these is set in concrete – they can all be changed, manipulated and enhanced for the highest good of all concerned as well as your own.

So, at this Full Moon, get out of your own world and your own sense of importance and look to where you can use your strength, creativity and leadership to change your world for the better and to change the world of those around you too.  Express what you feel and speak your truth, but not to be right or to be the best, do this because you have a voice and when we all join together to speak the same language of love, we can move mountains.  The Leo Full Moon is giving us all the ability to express what we feel and put it out there, courageously, creatively and from the heart.  So, don’t be afraid to do your bit and speak your truth on behalf of humanity at this time, or on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves.  This is the message of this Full Moon – to express what is for the highest good of this planet and for that to be heard.  Full Moon blessings to you all xox