Blog Post

17 December 2021

On 18/19 December we have the last Full Moon of 2021 falling in the busy, communicative and fun-loving energy of Gemini.  This should be a Full Moon that allows us all to have a little fun – something much needed after a full-on year on planet earth!  It will be a time where communications should run smoothly although stories and tales could be a little exaggerated and spiced up for effect – so try not to stray too far from the facts and perhaps take things you hear at this time with a grain of salt 😉  But, do allow yourself to enjoy where you are and who you are with.  Full Moons bring things to a head and also allow us to let go and so as this crazy year wraps up, allow yourself to just let go of all that you have been through so as you can look forward with a fresh perspective and without the fear and dross that has been so prevalent during this time. 

Gemini energy also rules travel, particularly short distance travel, so be careful on the roads and try not to rush or to be in too many places at the same time. You can only do what you can do, and it is better that you honour yourself and your energy levels rather than rushing around trying to fit into other people’s lives or stressing yourself out.  Goodness knows we have all had enough stress in 2021 to last a lifetime, so now is a great time to just let it all go.  The Light always wins.

Venus, the planet of love, beauty and money is also moving into Retrograde motion at this time, in the traditional, grounded and ambitious energy of Capricorn.  This is an opportunity for us all to look at how we view our attitudes towards love and money and to ascertain where we may need to change things or restructure them.  Capricorn energy loves structure as it is very aware that when there is a plan in place things can happen with surety and in a way that is controlled as well as ambitious.  When the planet of love is sitting in this energy, she takes off her rose-coloured glasses and can see from a much more realistic and practical perspective.  Therefore, this Retrograde can be a fantastic time to put a savings plan in place or to look to how you can restructure your business and/or finances to achieve your goals and to raise the bar as well.  However, trust is always an issue when it comes to Capricorn energy as well.  So, at this time you can also reassess the relationships you are in with others and whether they are serving you, and whether you are serving them for the highest good of all concerned.  Neither love nor money needs to be controlled, but they do need to have some structure.  Ignoring any challenges here or sweeping them under the carpet is not going to get you anywhere, so use this strong practical energy to do just that, be practical with all that you have and all that you love, and, in that way, it can work for you and with you, rather than against you.

Over the last few years, we have talked a lot about the Divine Feminine and the Inner Child.  We are all made up of these energies as well as the energy of the Divine Masculine.  The Divine Feminine is our intuition, our compassion and our empathy.  The Inner Child is our seat of learning, imagination and creativity, through the experiences we have been through as children we have learned about what holds us back and what we fear, and when we heal this part of ourselves we connect with the energy of our ancestors and all that they have to teach us and gift us, as well as what we have chosen to clear for them and for the future generations.  It has involved a lot of inner work, a lot of learning to let go so as we can stand in our true empowerment which can only come from strong self-love and self-worth.  We have learned about the power of wisdom and intuition and how these are an integral part of us that need as much attention and focus put on them as our intelligence and learned knowledge does.  And for those of you who have done this inner work, you have found peace and acceptance as well as empowerment to be who you truly are. 

As we step into 2022, we step into the energy of the Divine Masculine and the energy of action.  To embrace the masculine energy without first addressing the feminine energy would mean acting from an emotional and often wounded place of being, which can then result in aggression and violence, which are never in our best interests or for our highest good.  The Divine Masculine energy when balanced with the Divine Feminine energy and the Inner Child will only act and react based on what is for your highest good and for the highest good of those around you.  Just as we must balance the past, present and future and the mind, body and spirit, we must balance out the three sides of our divinity as well.  And, like any balancing act it takes time, and we will not always get it right the first time.  Much more will be written about this over 2022 but for now, I would like to share with you a Native American saying that I feel wholly encompasses these energies and the true use of them:-

“It is a woman’s highest calling to lead a man to Source, and it is a man’s highest calling to protect woman, so she can walk the earth unharmed”

Women are here to teach compassion, intuition and self-love and men are here to grow through this so that they can take action and operate from the strength of love.  There is and never should be competition, only equality and that equality can only be achieved when women stop trying to live like men in a man’s world, and when men stop believing that they must lead the way for women.  We all have roles to play, and no-one’s role is any more important or “better” than anyone else’s.  This is not to say that our lives and roles are gender-based, it is saying that we are all made up of both male and female energies and they both have an important role to play.  But only when they are in harmony with one another, both within you and outside of you, can you empower yourself and step into your divinity.

Wishing you all a fabulous Full Moon experience and don’t forget to put your precious crystals out in the Moon from tonight.  They will benefit from the masculine and feminine energies that accompany the nights on either side of the Full Moon, as well as from the Full Moon herself.  Blessings xox