Giving thanks for what our wounds have taught us

Blog Post 11 December 2019

At 12.12am on 12.12.2019 we have the final Full Moon of 2019 and also the final Full Moon of the decade, and it is falling in the energy of Gemini.  The Full Moon is a time of culmination; of bringing to the surface and celebrating all that has led up to this time, and of giving thanks for what we have been received.  So, at this pivotal time as we move out of the year of life lessons and into a time of pursuing balance and equality, it is good to look back and see how far you have come.  Lots of things have come to an end in our personal lives and globally over this last decade and even in this last year, and you are not the same person now as you were back then.  We are stepping out of a decade of personal growth and into a decade aimed at creating balance.  How can we create balance without knowing what is important?  And we only learn what is important when we understand the lesson.

As we depart this decade we have our last opportunities to make the necessary adjustments in our lives that we need too, so as we can step into 2020 knowing what balance means to us, and with the strength to achieve it.

Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury – the Messenger of the Gods.  So he brings to our awareness at this time what it is we need to hear, to communicate, to be aware of and to take action on.  This Full Moon gives us the opportunity for some open conversations and some necessary communication.  Gemini energy is capable, competent and as multifunctional as it needs to be.  So expect to be pulled in a few different directions! This Full Moon is “shake up” time, time to put to rest the past and to embrace change and the future.  And to give heartfelt thanks for all that you have learned to date, for you are not the same person you started out this year as.

Chiron, the wounded healer, turns Direct in Aries today as well, once again urging us to heal our deepest wound and to free ourselves in the process.  What hurts you holds you in the past – stuck in the memory of that wound and all that resulted from that.

Full Moons bring things to a head and so don’t be surprised if you are faced with your deepest wound or most vulnerable feelings at this time.  While we bury our hurts how can they be healed?  It’s like having a splinter in your finger and allowing it to become infected rather than going through the pain of digging the splinter out.  You don’t hold on to what makes you hurt… on any level!

Use this Full Moon to release and to make a choice as to how you are going to BE and what you are going to believe and represent in these pivotal months and decade ahead.  You are the creator of your own destiny and only you can change your life.  So, face your fears, heal your wounds and let go of all that you have outgrown.  You are a soul on a journey and your next chapter is about to begin.  Blessings xox