Blog Post 3 August 2020

Today we have a Full Moon in Aquarius and so we move into the reaping of the seeds we have sown at the last New Moon.  Full Moons bring things to a head, to fruition and to be released and let go to clear the way for new beginnings.  Life is an endless cycle of endings and beginnings and we must always believe in the power of this and the importance of realising that “this too shall pass” when things get tough, and that the kinder we can be in our own minds to our own selves the more forward progress we can make in life, and the more solid, strong and empowered we feel.  I am constantly reminding my students and clients to be aware of the power of their own mind and the damage and delight this can deliver. 

Aquarian energy is the energy of change, of the rebel, the humanitarian, the change-maker and the innovative thinker.  When we embrace the energy of Aquarius, we allow ourselves to be who we truly are, and to dance to our own drumbeats and stand in our own independent thinking and reasoning.  And on top of this Aquarian energy always encourages us to think outside the box, and to align ourselves with what feels right to us – even when it may not feel right to anyone else.  You are an individual, a soul on your own special journey, and you are not here to do things the same way as everyone else or to think the same way either.  You are here to be YOU, and this Aquarian Full Moon is your first taste of what 2021 – 2023 will bring for us all when we honour this energy.

The Age of Aquarius came upon us in 2012 and this is the long-awaited energy of change that is designed to lift us out of our base energy, 3D reality.  This energy has been slowly but surely growing behind the scenes and it is this energy that is responsible for the great “awakening” we are currently experiencing within ourselves and on a global level.  It is time for us all to stop the division, the judgement and the fighting and to re-align ourselves with our heart centres and with the heart centre of this planet, and this galaxy.

Around this Full Moon things will feel and appear to be more unpredictable, more crazy and more intense and this is necessary.  We are each being given the opportunity for change, and the best way to use this energy is to allow it to open your mind, to help you to become more flexible and aware of all that there is, so as you can understand and embrace your role now and in the future.  At this Full Moon, we are all being asked to let go of the past and of the old and outdated ways of looking at and doing things.  We are being asked to let go of any ways of thinking or being that we hold on too that keep us in the “blame game” and in constant judgement of what we don’t like about our lives and ourselves.  For so long as we are in judgement of ourselves, we will be in judgement of others.  For too long we have all judged ourselves, and usually very harshly, for our differences, for those parts of ourselves that we don’t like or don’t think are good enough, or that we just don’t want to reveal in case they make us stand out too much from everyone else.  However, more often than not, it is these very parts of ourselves and of our journey that make us who we are, that allow us to dream our own dreams and follow our own guidance, and that is our greatest gift to the earth plane. 

For humanity to move forward and out of the chaos and corruption that it currently finds itself in, we must ALL be prepared to look at life differently and to focus on what we love to create more of this, rather than fighting constantly against what we don’t like or want.  And we must stop judging others and ourselves for our differences.

At present we also have Mars at home in Aries.  Mars in Aries is determined to get its way, and it will fight for this to the bitter end.  And we also have Saturn the task-master still revelling in his home sign of Capricorn and reminding us all on a daily basis of the importance of discipline, focus, determination and structure to get things done and to achieve our goals in life.  So, we have a wacky Full Moon bringing all our individuality, rebelliousness and unpredictability to the surface, and this will be fuelled by Mars demanding that it happens his way, and on top of this Saturn backing it all up with serious thinking and his proverbial hand-brake! 

So, hard work is the key (because it’s always a good idea to keep Saturn happy ????), but we are talking hard work that allows you to discipline and structure yourself to achieve what YOU wish to achieve.  You can use the determination and passion of Mars to motivate yourself, and the structure of Saturn to put your dreams and goals into action, and the beautiful innovative energy of this Full Moon to let go of judgement and embrace all that you feel to be good and true for you.  So, go easy on yourself and others at this Full Moon and pick your battles.  Tempers could be high as Mars the warrior loves to fight but fighting gets us nowhere but back into the blame game and judgement that has ruled this world for too long now.   

The more you can embrace your own positive ways of thinking as being your truth and your focus, the more you can empower yourself and all that you represent.  And then the more you become who you truly are, and not what others would like you to be or what you think you should be.  You are unique, you are divine, and you are loved, so embrace your “inner-quirky”, be kind in your mind, and believe in yourself.  Full Moon Blessings to you all xox