We are all made up of our Ego Selves and our Higher Selves – we can liken these to the cartoon images of the “devil” on one shoulder and the “angel” on the other.

Your Ego Self lives on and promotes only fear and negativity in your life but is very good at hiding this behind the words and actions of others which is why we so often want to blame everyone else for our challenges in life.  The Ego Self keeps us in constant fear of everything from change to success – it is the ultimate “what if?” in our minds and very rarely does it look to a positive outcome for you.  You see the Ego Self wants total control over you so that you cannot be who you truly are.  The Ego Self lives in constant fear that you will find peace, joy, happiness and most importantly find love and it knows that once you step into these energies it will cease to have any power over you.

“How to find your Higher Self”

Your Higher Self on the other hand does not buy into or align with any of this.  It knows full well that the only way forward towards success and happiness is to be who you truly are and to NOT live in fear or judgement of yourself and the world around you. 

Your Higher Self is your connection to the Universe, Spirit, God or whatever you wish to call it.  Its purpose is to keep you on track; believing in yourself, seeing things for what they are and keeping you OFF the emotional roller coaster ride that the Ego Self so loves.

“How to change your life?”

The only way to change your life so as you and your Higher Self are taking charge is to let go of fear.  However, your Ego Self will fight this every step of the way as it knows full well that once you step into bliss; into that energy of love, peace, freedom and positivity, it will no longer have any power over you.

Fears are things that we can be born with as well as what is taught to us or conditioned into us as we grow.  As children  we are told “do as you are told or no-one will like you”, or, “there is nothing special about you”. We are dulled down in so many ways to be compliant and obedient even when we may feel and know so strongly within ourselves that things should be different.

“the purpose driven life”

We all want to live a purpose driven life – we are conditioned to believe that we must be productive, purposeful, resourceful, hard-working, etc, etc, if we are to have a purpose, however this is once again the Ego Self talking, not the Higher Self. 

The Higher Self knows full well that your true purpose is always to find happiness, peace and joy in your life and to achieve this we must face what we fear, overcome our early conditioning and embrace all that we have buried within us.  So often hiding underneath your greatest fear is your greatest talent – too scared to be exposed and too worried that it is not good enough.  

It doesn’t have to be so hard to be happy its just a question of you taking charge of your own inner world and allowing your beautiful, incredibly loving and supportive Higher Self to take the reins, and putting your self-loathing, negative belief systems and fear of failing (Ego Self) on a very short leash.  Because the thing is, we do need the Ego Self for some things!  Your Ego Self is your freeze, fight or flight instinct and was created so as primitive man would know when to react  to save himself.  However, the Ego Self does not know when to stop and so it convinces you that you must stay in that freeze, fight or flight mode at all times keeping you unhappy and full of fear at all times.

Until we identify and face what we fear we are only living half a life or maybe even less.  You deserve to be happy and carefree as often and as much as you possibly can – it is your right but it is also something that you need to take charge of.  When you master the Ego Self you step into your true power and your connection to all that there is (your Higher Self), and this will be the greatest achievement of your life.

Blessings xox
