It’s not long now before we step out of 2024 and into 2025, and what a journey this past year has been.  Unless you have been hiding or living under a rock, there is no way that 2024 has passed by without some or many challenges, ups and downs, confusion and struggles with who you truly are.

2024 was a year of disruptions, curveballs, unexpected events and we have all had to learn a lot about going with the flow, taking advantage of what is right in front of us and the beginning of our journey back to our own sovereignty.

I would love to be able to say that 2025 will be calm and peaceful and an easy ride, but I am sorry to say it will not.  The 2020’s were ALWAYS destined to be a major turning point for humanity and our planet and as we step into the halfway point of this pivotal decade, we are starting to get the hang of it and starting to understand and recognise what needs to change within us and around us.  As the year rolls on more and more you will see the different realities being presented to you, and more and more you will feel the urge or the need to choose what is best for YOU.

In 2025 4 major planets will shift signs instigating a powerful shift on the earth plane and in the consciousness of humanity.  For many of you this last year may have felt out of your control and nothing like what you had planned or envisaged for yourself – but perhaps some of you are also now seeing how these changes that have happened around you, rather than been instigated by you, have allowed you to see the world through different eyes – open-eyed, wide-eyed and fully awake.

Let’s take a look at the major planetary shifts for 2025.

Firstly, we have the shift of the North Node from Aries into Pisces on 11/12 January 2025.  The Nodes are the only points in astrology that move in a clockwise direction, all the other planets move in an anti-clockwise direction.

The North Node represents our destiny and we will always find directly opposite it, the South Node.  The South Node is showing us where we have come from, what we have already mastered and what we can bring the wisdom from into our current lives.  The North Node represents our potential, the new direction we are to take and how to move out of what has become habitual and limiting in our beliefs and actions. 

The polarity between Pisces and Virgo is an interesting one.  Two opposing planets in the zodiac always share a common theme between them, and in the case of Virgo and Pisces this is all about “serving”.  When the North Node moves into Pisces we are being asked to share our wisdom, our spiritual awareness, our peace and our creativity.  Those of you born with your North Node in Pisces will be in “nodal return” and  this means the pressure will be on you to shift out of any unconscious beliefs and actions that keep you feeling that you are the servant and that you cannot step up.  This energy will affect all of us whether we are born with the Nodes in either of these signs.  It is a wake-up call for us all to align with  our higher wisdom, our higher thinking and to rise above the pettiness and illusions of the earth plane to see our truth and the reality we wish to step into.

As we move into the Age of Aquarius we are moving towards a more accepting, communal and inclusive way of being and because of this we are being encouraged to transmute out of feeling that we must serve others or situations, and rather to act in a manner that allows us to SHARE our gifts, opinions, accomplishments and beliefs.  So, we are becoming more and more equal to one another and less and less divided.

On 31 March 2025 Neptune, the mighty planet of deception, illusion, imagination, higher thinking and betrayal steps into Aries after 15 years in Pisces.  Neptune’s transit through Pisces presented us with the greatest illusions of the 21st century.  And for many of you these illusions are only just breaking up so you can see the reality, and for others of you, you have seen through these illusions for quite some time.

Neptune in Pisces and this illusion brought to us the importance of “selfies”, the belief that our governments have our best interests at heart, the illusion of equality and a deep sense of betrayal both in our personal lives and for the collective energy too.  The deepest and worst of these was the constant deception and gaslighting towards anyone who chose to go against the narrative and offer another opinion or think for themselves.

When Neptune makes this monumental shift into Aries the illusions will shatter and the truth will come out – and my feeling is that this will not just be a little trickle of bits and pieces being exposed, it could be an avalanche of revelations.  Aries is the planet of war and of action, it does not procrastinate, deliberate or consider – it acts and it reacts immediately.  So, be prepared to have your eyes well and truly opened and as confronting as some truths may be, it will be very important that people do not overreact or physically react to all of this.  As I said, Aries energy likes to take action but we may not have all the facts and so this shift will be another reminder to us all of the importance of relying on what you feel to be true and of choosing a reality that you wish to live in and commit too.  So much will be exposed both leading up to and during this transit and when we are bombarded with too  much information or too much emotion, it is too easy to react angrily and to demand that you are right and everyone else is wrong.  Remember Neptune helps us to see a higher perspective and so the higher perspective of Neptune in Aries is personal empowerment, knowing and believing in who you are and most importantly the deep feeling that you are good enough, you are able to stand on your own two feet and that you can lead and step up when necessary.

On 26 May 2025 Saturn, our teacher and disciplinarian, will also move out of Pisces where he has been for the last approximately 3 years, and into Aries joining Neptune.  When two of the most powerful planets in the cosmos join one another in the same sign of the zodiac BIG things can happen.

Saturn is our teacher and he shows us where we must be more structured, organised, hard-working and disciplined.  He has no time for lazy, apathetic and non-committal ways, for not getting things done and his greatest mission is to make us face what we fear so we can move forward lighter yet stronger and more aligned with our true selves.  The lessons of Saturn are harsh at times, but always remember that Saturn is our greatest rewarder too.

When Saturn moves into Aries, we all get to come to grips with and understand our own personal power, sovereignty and self-belief.  As Aries is the first sign of the zodiac it automatically assumes a leadership or independent role and when we are under the influence of Aries, we take chances in life, we learn the importance of self-reliance and self-belief and we see what we are capable of when we challenge ourselves to step up and step into a better version of ourselves. 

The combination of these 2 major planets in Aries will be incredibly powerful for the next 3 years in particular, until Saturn moves into Taurus in April 2028.  I feel it the power of these two planets that will encourage humanity to REALLY start to not only put themselves first but to understand and realise that thinking for ourselves, believing and knowing 100% what is good for us and knowing where to look and what to do to achieve this.  The Age of Aquarius is teaching us that we are all One, but to get to that we first have to believe that we are enough in every way, so as we can sit in the Oneness knowing who we truly are, and being who we truly are, rather than just being a number or a cog in someone else’s wheel.  And we will also learn to develop and bring out latent talents and abilities that we have to date not been made to feel are useful or important in any way.

On 10 June 2025 Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion will move out of busy Gemini and into Cancer.  Jupiter spends around 12 – 13 months in any sign of the zodiac and so this recent transit of his through Gemini, which we are currently still experiencing, has upped the anti on busy-ness.  It is mainly the work of Jupiter that has brought so much change and opportunities into our lives.  Jupiter is a very benevolent planet usually known for the good things that he brings into our lives and his natural ability to expand on everything he touches.  However, it is also Jupiter’s job to bring to the surface all that is being hidden, or that needs to see the light of day.  I feel that one of the greatest purposes he is fulfilling for us all at this time is the physical and mental busyness we are being engulfed in that allows us no real time to procrastinate or to fully attach to too much. 

Once he makes his move into Cancer from 10 June 2025 until 30 June 2026 the busy energies will slow down and the focus will move into the expansion and revelations around common-unity, caring for one another, empathy and understanding for all and the importance of our inner voice – our intuition.  Cancerian energy is a very emotional energy and there are people who cope well with their emotions and are comfortable with their feelings etc, and then there are those who have no idea what to do with what they are feeling.  I have  noticed too often that men born under the sign of Cancer struggle to deal with their sensitivity and emotional worlds and so they can often develop a lot of anger, resentment and volatility towards the world and those around them simply because they don’t know what to do with all that they feel.  Women in general are more comfortable with what they feel, they tend to go with these feelings but can also find themselves overwhelmed with emotions they don’t know how to release.

Now as Jupiter expands on everything, he touches it will be our emotions and our intuition that can be expanded the most during this transit.  This energy will be very much what the world needs – an expansion in compassion, empathy, understanding, intuition and creativity.  It will be easy under the influence of Cancer to empathise with others, to see where other people are coming from and to use our intuition to guide us to do what feels right for us and for the highest good of all concerned.  But as we know every sign has its shadow and it’s the Cancerian ability to get lost in their emotions and self-pity and/or to not know how to release and express what they are feeling in a healthy way that could lead to a lot of “that’s not fair”, “you don’t understand me” and “nobody loves me” scenarios. Another shadow of Cancer is the inability to let go of the past.  So we will have to understand and learn to let go of what has gone before so we can create a new world and a new way.

On 8 July 2025 Uranus moves out of Taurus and into Gemini.  Uranus is the planet of sudden and unexpected change, independence and higher awareness.  He encourages us through change to step out of our comfort zones and scratch that 7-year itch to see what else is out there for us.  So often we are held back in life by our own unchanging beliefs, or our own ingrained patterns of behaviour that we are too comfortable with.  And so along comes Uranus or Mr Curve Ball, to shake things up a bit and encourage us to make the necessary changes we need to grow.

While he has been transiting through Taurus, he has brought us all lessons in how we perceive our security to be in life.  Our financial situations and sense of security has been challenged during this time with ups and downs designed to make us aware of what needs to change in our lives.  Uranus has been bringing us a higher awareness around security and what it really means to us.  The only true security there is in life is inner peace.  And so those who have been overly focussed on money and assets to achieve their security in life have found and may still be finding that that is not enough – they still feel insecure even though they may be financially just fine.

When Uranus moves into Gemini A LOT will be shaken up.  This 7-year transit of Uranus through Gemini will  bring change on top of change on top of change and we will have no choice but to go with the flow and with what we feel is best for us.  It will be such a time of change that we will all be forced to rely so much more on ourselves and on our own mental, physical, spiritual and emotional resources to stay on track and in control of our lives.  We will all become multi-taskers of the highest degree simply because we will have no choice but to do so and this will allow us to explore gifts and talents, we may not have given time to before, and to also be more open to trying new things and taking new directions.  It will be a time of great innovation and ingeniousness for those who are willing to step out of their comfort zones, and for those who resist change and try to cling to the old ways of doing things and the old world, it will be challenging and feel very disruptive.  Uranus in Gemini truly reminds us that change is the only constant.

2025 will be a powerful year for the culmination of what the first 4 years of this decade have brought us, as well as the promoting massive changes for us all so as we can move forward with hope, common-unity, love and faith.  And ALL of these changes need to first be applied to our own personal lives.  For those of you who have done the inner work, who know who you are and what you are here for the changes coming may still push you out of your comfort zones, but you will know and understand that there is a higher purpose at work here.  But for those of you who are still asleep and not aware of who you truly are and have not looked towards your own soul’s journey at this time, you are at risk of facing many struggles and challenges that will feel completely out of your control and push you right out of your comfort zone.

Forewarned is forearmed and as I have said 2025 will be another year of unexpected shifts, major revelations, global upset and much more.  BUT it will also be the year where we start, as individuals and as communities, to remember how to think for ourselves; to remember what we came here for at this pivotal time; to develop complete belief in ourselves for who we truly are, and to understand what role we can each play in the ascension of humanity and of the planet we live on.  Change is the only constant and without this we will never evolve or develop ourselves – it’s a necessary evil at the worst of times and a breath of fresh air at the best of times and it’s up to YOU to choose which way you want to perceive it and live it.

So, my advice for 2025 is this:-

  • Embrace change in the knowledge that only through change can we evolve and only by evolving can we create a new world
  • Know that you are good enough – not matter what you do, what you have or where you are in life – you ARE good enough
  • Respect your truth, your reality and your gut feelings – they are your compass and by being able to rely on yourself you create a strength that reflects out to and supports the entire planet
  • Be who you truly are and do so without judgement
  • And most importantly, use your energy to focus on solutions and the reality you wish to live in and NOT on the reality you don’t want

From my heart to yours I wish you a year ahead full of an abundance of self-belief, self-love, integrity and the authenticity that comes from knowing and loving yourself for the beautiful God-spark that you are. 

Never forget you are loved; you are blessed and you are divine.   Xox